Why not get in a bit of work experience at school!
Hi my friends! Its becoming so HOT! Well it's wednesday and this week is flying like everyother, I think it's because the school days just blur into one, or should I say melt. I have taken some pictures from my mobile! Firstly of my ghetto train station where the top of the doors stop at my mouth, so I have to duck quite a bit. It makes me feel like even more of a giant. Just a note these are the only doors as of yet I have found THIS low.. ridiculous.
Ok now for something new, just a note for people who dont know school in Japan is much more involved compared to australia. It is a second home and everything is done here. If a student gets pulled up by the police for example, the school is called, the school decides the punishment, not the family. Most medical tests are done at school.
Students here also place more importance on their looks, with kids pulling out mirrors every two seconds to fix their hair, they use anything with a reflection really, windows etc. Even the guys! I found out a bit into my stay that bonding with the males is doing eachothers hair in the Library in the morning. There is as much skin care products and perfumes and crap for males as there is for females over here. Its different. Everyone gets the idea, back to what I was saying the girls usually do their makeup and hair in the classroom before school. Today however was a first, at the back of my classroom a girl was getting her hair cut! I found this interesting so I asked if I could take a photo, I was able to. I get enough photos taken of me, I'm giving back.
You can also see Haruka diving into the photo there and a bit of my finger, not very professional of me.
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